Arizona Edition Live
Show Number 37
On this episode of Arizona Edition Live, KAWC’s Lou Gum speaks with Bobbi McDermott, former District Conservationist for the United States Department of Agriculture. McDermott touched on the region's largest industry and how water efficiency has evolved in local fields.
She said 40 years ago Yuma growers used 20 percent more water than they use today - pointing out that Yuma agriculture is a world class venture and a model of water use.
She also talked about how Yuma growers manage their water, the infrastructure in place to move the precious resource to local fields and shed light on how efficiency evolved to create the world class system that exists today.
Arizona Edition Live airs every Friday at 9:00 a.m. on KAWC 88.9 FM and It rebroadcasts Saturday mornings at 11:00 a.m.