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Lysistrata: AWC production a modern retelling of classic Greek comedy

Two actors from the AWC Theatre production of Lysistrata speak with Sound of the Desert about performances of the play set to begin this week in the AWC Amphitheatre.

Make love, not war!
It's 411 B.C. and in an effort to stop the seemingly endless wars, Greek women refuse love making until the men in their lives lay down their arms and proclaim peace.
Lysistrata by Ellen McLaughlin is a modern retelling of the classic Greek comedy by Aristophanes.
Contains adult content and language. PG13.

Lou grew up in Tucson and has a long family history in the state of Arizona. He began his public radio career in 1988 at KNAU in Flagstaff as a classical music DJ and has been hooked on public radio since, transitioning to news after trying his hand at several other careers in publishing and commercial broadcasting. Lou has a degree in American Studies from Arizona State University and was KAWC's Morning Edition host for two and half years before becoming News and Operations Director.
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