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KOFA Sounds of the Desert Podcast - Val Chillmore

Sounds of the Desert host Victoria McBee in the KAWC/KOFA Border Radio studio with Val Chillmore: (left to right) Caleb Grinder, Salvador Pena, Hector Badilla and Ivan Salas.
Dave Riek
KAWC/KOFA Border Radio
Sounds of the Desert host Victoria McBee in the KAWC/KOFA Border Radio studio with Val Chillmore: (left to right) Caleb Grinder, Salvador Pena, Hector Badilla and Ivan Salas.

KAWC/KOFA Border Radio is helping promote the Yuma Arts Center's Yuma Rocks 2024 event. We invited one of the bands, Val Chillmore, into our studio to talk about their music, and play a couple of songs.

Here's a link to Val Chillmore on Apple music:

Check out Val Chillmore performing I Can't Believe It in the KAWC/KOFA studios

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