Howard Fischer
Capitol Media Services-
State lawmakers are moving to finally force the Department of Health Services to spend some of the money it has to research the effects and usefulness of marijuana.
Calling birthright citizenship "an unequivocal constitutional right,'' a federal judge on Thursday blocked the Trump administration from implementing its plan to deny that to children born to people who are not here legally.
Republican lawmakers are moving to hobble the ability of the attorney general to force county supervisors to do what courts have said is their job: certify election results.
Arizona Republicans have another brilliant idea: allow teachers to carry handguns. State lawmakers are moving to provide express and specific authority to allow employees to carry guns in and around public schools.
The way state Sen. Frank Carroll sees it, some share of the pollution in Arizona is due to emissions from other states and even other countries. So the Sun City West Republican wants to empower Attorney General Kris Mayes to sue any person from any other state or country whose emissions damage the air quality here.
The Department of Justice says Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes has no legal right to try to overturn Trump executive order abolishing birthright citizenship.
Unwilling to wait to see what happens in Washington, Arizona lawmakers are moving to make tips exempt from state income taxes. Rep. Maria Sandoval, D-Goodyear, said she wants to help those who are among the lower-wage earners.
Two Republican lawmakers want voters to approve a plan to boost teacher salaries in Arizona by about $4,000 a year and they are doing it in a way that would not raise taxes.
State lawmakers want to make it illegal for foreign entities "hostile to the United States'' to buy land in Arizona unless legislators approve.
Backed by elected officials from rural areas, Democratic lawmakers unveiled what they hope will be a plan to finally provide some protections against their groundwater drying up.