The Superintendent at Yuma School District One said his district stays consistent with its COVID-19 mitigation plan during the school year.
Superintendent Jamie Sheldahl said his primary goal is to make sure kids are safe to keep them in school and continue their education. "We've hired additional staffing for our Health services department so that they can handle the extra load."
Health Services has five registered nurses and 16 health assistants. The team provides daily services to all district one students, including; immunization review, height and weight screening, vision screening, hearing screening, communicable disease reporting, blood pressure screening, scoliosis screening, health teaching, growth, and development, including rapid on-site testing for its students and staff.
As staff does their part in keeping students safe, Sheldahl said they test students with parental consent.
"We're doing testing of students so that if a student. Comes in and looks is it looking well or isn't feeling well that we can, you know, do a check on that student and do a COVID test right there to see if it is COVID or if it is just maybe a garden variety cold or the flu or something like that."
Even though schools don't enforce mask mandates, Sheldahl said it's optional. However, he sees more kids masking up at school. The district continues to follow protocol and has a plan if the county goes back to an outbreak by going back to virtual learning.
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