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AWC President Dr. Daniel Corr on improving student life this semester and beyond

Arizona Western College President Dr. Daniel Corr
Arizona Western College
Arizona Western College President Dr. Daniel Corr

Dr. Daniel Corr has been the president of Arizona Western College since 2016. Under his leadership, AWC has pushed to improve their facilities and to provide resources for first-generation students who make up two-thirds of the student population.

This year, the Yuma campus saw major updates to its facilities, including the Matador Activity Center, DeAnza dorms, and the Law Enforcement Training Academy.

"We promise to deliver an amazing student experience." - Dr. Daniel Corr

"We promise to deliver an amazing student experience," Dr. Corr states, citing this as the college's student experience statement. He hopes to improve the student experience through free textbook resources and potential applications of AI.

"If you want to know what a student thinks, ask them. And we've done exactly that." - Dr. Daniel Corr

"If you want to know what a student thinks? Ask them. And we've done exactly that," says Dr. Corr. Students can reach out to AWC administration through Student Life, Dr. Corr's office drop-in hours, their professors, and social media.

Mack is a full-time student at Arizona Western College pursuing a degree in Secondary Education and Physics. Growing up in Yuma, his passion for learning has allowed him to foster greater connections within the community and strive for excellence on and off campus. His interest in audio production began in the "Introduction to Podcasting" course offered at AWC. Mack is a member of the inaugural 2024 Summer Student Newsroom, and he is continuing his work for KAWC through the Student Newsroom program.
KAWC Student Newsroom Reporter
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