For the Marines stationed onboard MCAS-Yuma, the adage "train like you fight" is much more than a saying -- it's a way of life.
For this episode, we meet on base with Yuma Marines who are honing the most important -- and lethal -- weapon at their disposal -- their bodies.
And, as steel sharpens steel, so do Marines with Marines -- grappling in the gravel pit during the “Super Squadron” event.
We speak with Staff Sergeant Billy McNair -- who was judging the grappling competition. He is an expert of the Marine Corps Martial Arts Program, referred to as “MCMAP.”
During Super Squadron, enlisted Marines representing most units stationed at MCAS Yuma, compete in sporting events including grappling, weightlifting, jousting, and pulling a Humvee with a rope.
Points were awarded to the unit that won each category. The units will compete for points in other events throughout the year in hopes of winning the Super Squadron Trophy in advance of the annual Marine Corps Ball on November 10th.
We also meet Lexxi Moncada -- a Yuma area resident who is just beginning her Mixed Martial Arts career. Lexxi's first public fight was witnessed by hundreds of Marines during MMA Fight Night on-board MCAS Yuma.
We close with an interview with legendary UFC fighter, Miesha Tate, who had words of wisdom for the up-and-coming Moncada.