00:00-1:00 - BILLBOARD
02:45-11:45 - Victor Calderon reports on this year's 30th annual Dia Del Campesino event and takes us to the Farmworker Mass with Bishop of Tucson, Edward Weisenberger.
11:50-22:10 - Lou Gum speaks with acting city administrator Jay Simonton about progress on a proposal to build a spaceport in Yuma County. The Southwest Regional Aerospace Innovation Alliance has been named a finalist in the National Science Foundation's Regional Innovation Engines program.
23:05-33:30 - The Intern Show from the KAWC Student Newsroom. Today Mack Schwitzing and Elias Alvarez interview the leader of their college, Dr. Daniel Corr, President of Arizona Western College.
34:00-48:45 - Lou Gum speaks with Arizona Corporation Commissioners Lea Marquez Peterson and Nick Myers and Diane Brown of the Arizona Public Interest Research Group Education Fund (AZ-PIRG) about a recent vote by the ACC to change the way it manages rate increase requests from state utilities.
Look for extended interviews from some of today's guests at kawc.org and from the Arizona Edition podcast.