In the days leading up to the 100th birthday of the Border Patrol, which happend on May 28th, Arizona Edition sat down with former agents to learn more about our sector's storied history. Janalyn Buseck — who retired as a supervisory agent in 2016, says her three decades of service seemed to flash by in the blink of an eye.
In the days leading up to the 100th birthday of the Border Patrol, which happend on May 28th, Arizona Edition sat down with former civilian dispatchers -- Randy Love and Pearl Strom -- to discuss their work supporting agents in the field.
Arizona Edition Friday is KAWC's weekly look at topics and people shaping the community, with insightful conversations and in-depth reporting from the field.
Arizona Edition Friday is KAWC's weekly look at topics and people shaping the community, with insightful conversations and in depth reporting from the field.
Title 42 shift cuts crossings by 65% in Yuma Sector
CBP says work should be completed by summer of 2023